
Osaka City Hospital Organization > Hospitals

Osaka City General Hospital

Osaka City General Hospital

Unique Features

As the hospital provides advanced medical treatment for acute cases of primarily three major diseases: cancer, heart disease, and cerebro-vascular disease, and it has adopted an organ-specific medical care system while maintaining close collaboration between the clinical departments.

Also, the hospital provides advanced medical care, infectious disease care, and 24-hour emergency and critical medical care in the fields of high-risk prenatal and pediatric medical care.

The hospital fulfills its function as a Community Cancer Treatment Affiliated Base Hospital (which focuses on cancer treatment), an Osaka Prefectural Disaster Base Hospital, and an AIDS Treatment Base Hospital, etc. In addition, as a designated hospital for postgraduate clinical training, the hospital promotes collaboration with community medical institutions which trains physicians equipped with the clinical ability to examine patients holistically.


Osaka City Juso Hospital

Osaka City Juso Hospital

Unique Features

The hospital has established a variety of specialized outpatient departments that can provide medical care for the elderly, and has also opened a ladies-only outpatient clinic. Also, in addition to striving to expand diagnoses and treatments using RI (nuclear medicine) and endoscopes, the hospital has established a “Community Medical Care Collaboration Office” and is working to create a medical care system that collaborates with local medical institutions and builds a medical care system our residents can have confidence in.

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